We entered into Kansas City, Missouri twice on Saturday, the first time with a former student of Dad’s from St. Andrew’s Academy in Sewanee, Tennessee who put us up across the border in Kansas—this was our first night in a house since leaving Louisiana—and let us watch as many World Cup games as we could possibly see while we were at her house (we particularly like the beauty pageant sash on the USA team’s uniforms). Anyway, we finished up at Arthur Bryant’s, a BBQ place that’s been written up several times in the New Yorker, and apparently there’s a whole book written about the restaurant, and went to the house to nap off the pork induced food coma, so that we could head out for more bar-be-que at anther local place in Kansas City with Josh Mammen, Josh Parish, their respective partners Julie and Amy, and Josh Mammen’s three obscenely cute children.
Turns out, both of them work at Kansas University and see each other almost weekly around campus. Josh P. works in the technology department making sure that the system runs smoothly and fixing whatever problems people such as doctors have, who still can’t figure out how to use a computer. I think technology must agree with his system, because he looks as fresh as a daisy. However, perhaps this is universally true for those who work with computers—the glow from the screen exudes fumes from the fountain of youth—and if that is the case, I should demand to hit up these coffee shops with wireless more often. He and Amy have been together ever since they met at St. John’s College in Annapolis. Amy works for H&R Block in marketing and told us about how she managed to finangle a four day trip to Vegas out of a one-hour meeting with a client, which included a midnight showing of Cirque de Soleil.
Josh M. spent plenty of time getting about as educated as most of us can only dream of, getting his BA, MD, PhD, and I think there might be a few other letters thrown in there. While advantages may include a high level of expertise, a good salary, and the pleasure derived from learning, he also has a lab with minions that slave away at whatever whim he might have. For me, that in itself would make the whole process worthwhile. Well a high level of education was not enough, so Josh also now has what seems to be a wonderfully happy family with a lovely wife and smiling children who don’t cry and are at the very least bilingual. Jealous? Me too, a little, but I’m on the great American Road Trip.